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Common name:
Firewood banksia, Port wine banksia, Strawberry banksia
Sirmuellera menziesii, (R. Br.)
Family / Genus / Species / Binom / Author:
Proteaceae → Banksia → menziesii → Banksia menziesii → R. Br.
Protection status:
Size of the dried fruit:
Length: 12,6 cm
Diameter: 7 cm
Banksia menziesii grows endemic to western Australia as a shrub and older generations as trees up to 10 m tall. The name "firewood banksia" derives from their propagation cycle. Only at high temperatures, such as during a bush fire, do the seed chambers of their woody fruits open. However, the fruit offered was harvested "green" and its seed capsules were later opened by heating, so that the fruit does not show any disturbing traces of fire.